Address – 11444 N. Seymour Road Montrose, MI 48457
Phone – 810-639-2021
Fax – 810-639-3207
Email –
Public Act 230 of 1972, known as the Single State Construction Code Act was adopted by the State of Michigan to provide rules to govern the construction and use of all buildings and structures, including land area incidental to said buildings and structures within the State. Montrose Township has elected to adopt and enforce the Michigan and Residential Building codes within its jurisdiction to insure adequate protection to the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
In addition to the enforcement of the Building Codes by the reviewing of plans, the issuance of building permits, and making necessary inspections, the Building Department also has the responsibility of enforcing all Township Ordinances, which includes the issuance of Zoning Compliance permits, investigating complaints, and coordinates activities with both the Planning Commission and Board of Appeals.
Information you should know!
Do I need a permit?
How do I get a permit?
What inspections am I required to have?
Permit Applications
Special Land Use Permit
Building Permits are required for most construction projects. The State Construction Code Act, Public Act 230 of 1972 regulates the construction projects requiring permits. Fees for Building Permits are established in a Schedule of Fees approved by resolution by the Montrose Township Board. The list below generalizes those projects requiring a Building Permit under the Act.
New buildings for all new single family dwelling units, and all commercial and industrial structures.
Building additions such as bedrooms, bathrooms, family rooms, dormers, recreational rooms, basement living areas, and attached garages, etc.
Building renovations such as garage conversions, basement conversions, window/door replacements, commercial renovations.
Demolitions for residential, commercial, Other Construction Work such as decks and sheds exceeding 200 sq. ft. in area, porches, detached garages and pole barns, carports, re-siding, re-roofing, sun-rooms, and pools, etc. industrial and accessory structures.
Signage for all new and or replacement signs.
Zoning Compliance Permits are regulated by Section 153.418 of the Township Zoning Ordinance, which states that, “It shall be unlawful for any person to commence excavation for or construct any building or structure, make any structural changes, or move an existing building or initiate any change in use of land or buildings without first obtaining a Zoning Compliance Permit. No permit shall be issued for a land use, building use, or construction until an application has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance showing that the construction proposed is in compliance with the provisions of the ordinance and with the Building Code, and with other applicable codes and ordinances. Fees for Zoning Compliance Permits are established in a Schedule of Fees approved by resolution by the Montrose Township Board. The Zoning Compliance Permit fee is waived when a Building permit is issued by the Building Official. The list below generalizes those projects requiring a Zoning Compliance Permits.
All Agricultural buildings.
Ponds/Excavations (for new and expansion of ponds).
All soil excavation and extraction activities (mining).
Sheds, decks and other structures 200 sq. ft. or less.
Temporary Structures.
Land and or Building change of Use.
Both lists above are a listing of the most common permits issued by the Township. Additional construction projects not listed could also require necessary permits. Please contact the Building Department if you are not sure if you need a permit for your project.
Building Permits issued under Public Act 230 of 1972
Zoning Compliance Permits issued under Section 153.418 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Please contact the Building Department if you should have any questions on required inspection or if you need other additional information.
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