Montrose Township


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Property taxes due 2/28/25

Elections & Voter Registration

To register to vote, you must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age by Election Day, not serving a sentence in jail or prison, and a resident of Michigan and the city or township where you are registering to vote for at least 30 days before Election Day.  For more information, please visit the Michigan Secretary of State website, or contact the Township Clerk’s Office.

Registering to vote 15 or more days before an election?  Register at these locations:

  • Online through the Michigan Voter Information Center
  • Any Secretary of State branch office
  • A designated state agency
  • By mail (must be postmarked or delivered no later than 15 days before Election Day): Voter Registration Application
  • Montrose Township Clerk’s Office

Registering to vote 14 or fewer days before an election, including Election Day?
Register in person at the Montrose Township Clerk’s Office (residency verification required). Voters who register at the Township Clerk’s Office on Election Day can receive a ballot and vote that day.  Voters who register 14 or fewer days before the election may be issued a “challenged ballot,” depending on the proof of residency provided.  Proof of residency includes:  Michigan driver’s license or state ID, current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or government check, or other government document.

Absentee Voting Information

All eligible and registered voters in Michigan may request an absent voter ballot without declaring a reason.  To vote by absent voter ballot, law requires the voter must first return a completed Absent Voter Ballot Application (or apply for your ballot online) for each election.  Once a completed application is returned and the voter’s signature is verified, a ballot is mailed to the voter at their registered home address. Absentee ballots cannot be forwarded by the USPS.  If you would like to receive your ballot at a different address, you must include that information on the application.

Voters can track the status of their absent voter application and ballot at the Michigan Voter Information Center.

Note:  Voters returning their application after 5pm the Friday before an election should do so in person at the Township Clerk’s Office. Ballots cannot be mailed to voters after 5pm the Friday before an election; after this time, the voter must pick up the ballot in person. Absent voter ballots can be issued until 4pm the Monday before the election.

All absent voter ballots are processed on Election Day by election inspectors in the Absent Voter Counting Board.  Absent voter ballots must be signed and received by 8pm on Election Day in order to be tabulated.  Unsigned ballots and ballots arriving after 8pm on Election Day are not tabulated.  Please include your phone number or email address on your absent voter ballot application so that we can contact you if there are signature issues.

Ballots can be returned 24/7 via secure drop slot, which is located in front of the Township Hall. This Ballot Drop Box is under 24-hour surveillance.

Automatic Application List:

In order to receive an absent voter ballot, a completed absent voter ballot application must first be returned to the township clerk’s office for each election.  If you would like the clerk to send this application to you automatically, you may add your name to the Automatic Application List (also known as a permanent absent voter list).  You can add your name to the list online through the Michigan Voter Information Center or by returning a completed request form to us.

Military and Overseas Voters:

Members of the military, their families, and overseas citizens can register to vote or request an absentee voter ballot by completing the Federal Post Card Application.  Use of this form assists us in making sure these voters receive absentee voting materials in a timely manner. The application is valid for one calendar year.

District Information

US Congress


State Senate


State House


County Comm.


Voter ID Requirement in Effect

The Voter Identification Requirement is in effect for those casting a ballot in person on Election Day and for those who pick up their absentee voter ballot in person.  Please read the Notice to Voters from the State Bureau of Elections for more information, including acceptable forms of identification.  An affidavit can be completed for voters not in possession of picture identification.

Election Security

Hart InterCivic Voting System: For information regarding the security of the voting system and tabulator equipment utilized by Watertown Township.

Election Inspector

Montrose Township depends on trained election inspectors to successfully conduct every election.  These are paid positions.  If you are interested in becoming an election inspector, please complete the Election Inspector Application.  If you have questions about becoming an election worker, please contact the Township Clerk’s office.

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