Montrose Township


Recent Alerts

Property taxes due 2/28/25


Vacation Check Form

Online Accident Reports

  1. Click to select our state from the map or choose it from the drop down list.
  2. Scroll down and click to select ‘Montrose Township Police Department’
  3. Enter the date of the crash and the report number.

IRS "Scams"

The Montrose Township Police Department would like to warn residents about a telephone scam.  Currently there is a group calling saying they are from the IRS and you own them money.

The caller tells the potential victim there is a pending law suit against them or they owe in back taxes and they must make a payment to the IRS.  Do not give the caller any information over the phone regardless of any threats they make to take legal action.  Just tell them you will not provide them any information and hang up. Do not ever send money via Western Union or gift cards.

Report Scams to the Federal Trade Commission
Report Identity Theft to the Federal Trade Commission

Official Forms

Purchase Permits/CPL Application

As of August 7, 2024, if you are a resident and do not possess a valid concealed pistol license (CPL), MCOLES, or, Federal Firearms License (FFL), you MUST apply for a License to Purchase , (also called LTP or Purchase Permit) at the 

Genesee County Sheriff’s Department
1002 S. Saginaw St. 
Flint, MI 48502

Please see Flow chart below regarding changes in Michigan Law regarding sales of Firearms.

If you are a resident  you must obtain your CPL from the Genesee County Clerks Office if you wish to carry a concealed pistol.
CPL Application and Instructions


Live Scan applicant Fingerprinting (Mon-Fri 8am -3pm)

Please call 810-639-5400 for an appointment.

Background Checks

The Montrose Township Police Department provides a basic local background check for a resident, which is not a criminal background check. This local background check will reflect a check of local police records regarding any police contacts. If you require a statewide criminal background check, please contact the Michigan State Police at 810-732-1111 or you may visit the State of Michigan ICHAT site

911 Emergeny Text Message Option Now Avalible

Residents of Genesee County now have the option to send emergency text messages to 911. Sending a text message to 911 would be appropriate when someone is unable to speak because of an emergency such as a home invasion or an abusive partner, the statement said. Users should send brief messages without using abbreviations or slang, be prepared to communicate your exact location and be prepared to answer questions and follow instructions from the 911 dispatcher. The service also is intended to aid people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech disability. Parents are urged to educate their children about the 911 texting option and remind them that it is for emergencies only.

Bad Check Notices

There are two (2) types of bad checks. The first being a Non-sufficient funds check, the second a closed account. Both require that a five (5) day notice be sent via certified mail to the check writer advising them that they have five days, from the receipt of the letter, to respond to you and remit payment and any fees that you incurred, or you will proceed with criminal charges. After the five days you may file a report with the Montrose Township Police Department. 

General Information

Police Chief: Jamie Cochran
Detective: Sgt. Scott Maguire
Police Station: (810) 639-5400

Montrose Township Police Department:

11444 N. Seymour Rd
Montrose, MI 48457

Phone: (810) 639 – 5400
Fax : (810) 639 – 5441