Montrose Township


Recent Alerts

Property taxes due 2/28/25

Montrose Township Senior Center

The Montrose Township Senior Center will sponsor a breakfast at 8 a.m. on the last Thursday of the month. The price will depend on options served.

Research shows that older adults who participate in senior center activities have higher levels of health, social interaction, and life satisfaction than those who don’t. Our senior center is busy all the time! Programs vary significantly, but most offer a variety of options to appeal to a 50+ audience. Some of the activities provided include yoga, bingo, shuffleboard, quilting & knitting, jewelry making, cooking/baking, writing club, arts & crafts, education workshops, card games, field trips, dinner club, Senior Olympics, the Rockin’ Marching Grannies and much more.

Bus pickup available – including handicapped accessible transportation
200 Alfred Street
Phone: (810) 639-2822

Senior Olympics: Many seniors from Montrose community participate in  the Michigan Senior Olympics. For more information visit

Senior Center Newsletter: View the February Newsletter

Secretary of State Mobile Office: The Secretary of State Mobile Office will be visiting Montrose Senior Center to provide service to Seniors of Montrose Senior Center. View Official Notice.


Back in the day, a small group of senior citizens had met for about 10 years in the township hall to play cards and “chew the fat”. Then an opportunity rose. A small building the school district used to house four kindergarten classes was empty. For $100 a month for 20 years, the seniors would have their own place. Marion “Lew” Lewellyn supervised early development of the new Senior Center while James Campbell helped organize activities for the seniors. The doors of the Montrose Township Senior Center opened in March 1980. Weekly bingo was a favorite until a euchre tournament was introduced in the fall of 1981. Euchre continues to be a favorite along with pinochle. Over the years the Center has gone through many changes, building renovations and different faces. All will agree on the benefits the Center has provided from education and meals to friendship and camaraderie.

Mission Statement

The Montrose Township Senior Center is a community-gathering place where seniors laugh and learn, find information and assistance and focus on their complete health. We are a community-gathering place. Seniors from in and around Montrose come together to meet each other, learn to know each other, and help each other. We value our small-town atmosphere. Seniors laugh, learn and enjoy their health. The Montrose Township Senior Center is a place where seniors can celebrate their total well-being. More importantly, we provide an environment that encourages seniors to be active, to stay mentally, physically, and socially engaged, to live lives of quality, meaning and dignity. The Montrose Township Senior Center provides programs and services to all individuals regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or income level. The Montrose Township Senior Center is a place where friends gather.

General Information

200 Alfred Street
Montrose, MI 48457
Phone – 1-810-639-2822
Fax – 1-810-639-5899

Sara Warren – Director / Title VI Coordinator
Donelda Deming – Transportation

Regarding Passenger Transportation ~ Montrose Township adheres to the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin in its programs and activities. Specifically, “no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to the dissemination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” (42 U.S.C. Section 2000d)

Check out the flowerbeds – You may have noticed the beautiful and attractive flower arrangements and landscaping design bordering the Senior Center. Director, Sara Warren, and a few key volunteers, spent days reworking the flowerbed plots and installing new, colorful flowers to help beautify the grounds. Much appreciation and gratitude to Sara and senior center members for their efforts and results

Event Rental


Did you know the Montrose Township Senior Center is available to rent for events such as baby showers, open houses, birthday parties, etc.? Call the Montrose Township Office at (810) 639-2021 to reserve a date or inquire about event rental information.

Services For Seniors

Free Tax Help

Laws & Programs for Senior Adults

  • Know your rights: Michigan law requires a pharmacist to tell consumers the cost of a prescription drug when they ask in person or over the phone. Every pharmacy must also clearly display your right to know its prices with a notice at each counter where prescriptions are filled. If any pharmacy refuses to give you drug price information, you can file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office.
  • Know where to look: If you are without a pharmacy benefit or some form of prescription drug coverage, the Michigan Drug Prices website can help you save money. Maintained by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), the website helps consumers without a pharmacy benefit:
  • Find legitimate online pharmacies and compare prices: It is not illegal to buy your prescription drugs online and, in some cases, you can save a lot. Legitimate online pharmacies are an easy way to provide access for the elderly and those living in remote areas. But beware 96% of all online pharmacies don’t comply with state and federal laws or patient safety standards, according to the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). Thus, look for websites ending in .pharmacy because those have special approval from the NABP and also for a blue and red Verified Internet Pharmacy Practices Site (VIPPS) seal from the NABP.

STOP IT: How to avoid overpaying

  • Use a prescription discount card: For those who lack insurance or have very high prescription drug co-pays, the benefits of a discount drug card can outweigh the drawbacks and possible loss of privacy.
  • Use a manufacturer’s coupon: Manufacturer’s coupons are issued directly by a drug manufacturer and are available from the manufacturer or at a doctor’s office. They are usually for new and brand name only drugs. They can offer significant savings, but with some limitations.


RETURN IT: How to dispose of unwanted medication

  • Michigan State Police: Each of the 29 posts across the state serves as a location where residents can safely and anonymously dispose of expired, unwanted, or unused prescription drugs. This helps to prevent the misuse of prescription drugs and to reduce environmental hazards.
  • Michigan Household Drug Take Back Programs: A list of national, state and regional drug disposal sites is available here. For more information on how to dispose of expired, unused or unwanted drugs the right way, or to learn more about how this practice protects people and the environment, click here.

Report Fraud

If your rights have been violated regarding prescription drug pricing, or if you would like to file a general consumer complaint, please contact the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division.

Consumer Protection Division

P.O. Box 30213
Lansing, MI 48909
Fax: 517-241-3771
Toll free: 877-765-8388
Online complaint form

Genesee County Resources

Genesee County Elder Abuse 762-4022
National Center for Missing/Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST
National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-Child
 Clothing/Household Items
Community Closet 265-7025
Old News Boys 744-1840
 Counseling & Crisis Intervention
Catholic Charities of Flint 232-9950
Community Mental Health 257-3740
Family Service Agency 767-4014
Genesee County Community Mental 257-3676
Genesee Health System 810-257-3740 TTY 810-232-6310 Toll Free 877-346-3648
Gerholz Center for Christian Counseling 234-0500
Hillside Behavioral Health 424-2400
Mott Children’s Health Clinic 767-5750
REACH (youth) 233-8700
 Death & Bereavement
Community Home Health & Hospice 733-7250
Compassionate Friends 235-5600
Genesys Hospice Center 636-5000
 Dental Services
American Red Cross 232-1404
Hamilton Community Health Network 406-4246
Mott Community College 762-0493
Catholic Charities of Flint 232-9950
Family Service Agency 767-4014
 Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Alateen 234-1460
Alcoholics Anonymous 234-0815
Flint Odyssey House 238-0483
Genesee Health System 810-257-3705 TTY 810-257-1346 Toll Free 866-211-5455
Narcotics Anonymous 238-3636
 Education and Employment
Bridges to Success 762-3300
COPE/Flint Public Library 232-7111
GCCAA Summer Youth Employment 232-2185
JOB Corps 232-9102
Michigan Works 234-9880
 Family Resources
Big Brother/Big Sisters 235-0617
Boys and Girls Club of Greater Flint 249-3413
Dept of Human Services 760-2200
United Way 232-8121
 Family Violence
Genesee County Community Mental Health/Child & Adolescent Services 257-3705
YWCA-Domestic Violence 238-7621
 Financial Aid/Utilities
Catholic Outreach 234-4693
Department of Human Services 760-2200
GCCARD 768-4675
Salvation Army 232-2196
 Health & Medical Services
Adolescent Medicine (Hurley) 257-9734
Burton Health Clinic 742-2255
Genesee County Free Clinic 235-4211
Genesee County Health Dept 257-3612
Hamilton Community Health Network 789-9141
Mott Children’s Health Clinic 767-5750
Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222
 Health Links
American Diabetes Association
Portion Control and Size Guide
Wellness AIDS Services of Flint 232-9950
 Integrated Group Practice Notices
HIPAA Privacy Notice
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Flint Police/Juvenile 237-6821
Genesee County Defender 257-3484
Genesee Cty Family Court/Juvenile 257-3245
Lawyer Referral 232-6000
Legal Services of Eastern MI 234-2621
Carriage Town Ministries 233-8787
Eastern MI Food Bank 239-4441
Eastside Mission 767-5312
North End Soup Kitchen / Holy Angels Sandwich Program 785-6911
Salvation Army Kids Café 789-4003
St. Andrews Kids Café 238-4236
Communication Access Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing 239-3112
GCCARD 232-2185
 Rape & Sexual Abuse
YWCA 238-7624
 Runaway/Missing Children
Child Find of America 1-800-I-AM-LOST
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST
National Runaway Switchboard 1-800-Runaway
RAPLINE-RUNNAWAY 1-800-292-4517
REACH 232-8700
KISS- Keeping Independant Seniors Safe 239-7671
Valley Agency on Aging, Meals on Wheels 636-5006
 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Genesee County Health Dept 257-3612
Planned Parenthood Beecher Rd 238-3631 Center Rd 244-5275
STD Hotline 1-800-227-8922
Carriage Town Ministries Family Center 238-6827 Men 233-8787
Shelter of Flint 239-5433
Crisis Clinic 257-3742
Survivors of Suicide (SOS) 232-9950
Jewish Community Services 767-5922
Mass Transportation Authority/Your Ride 767-0100