Genesee County Treasurer NEW OFFICE HOURS:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8:00-4:30
Wednesday, Thursday 8:00-12:00
Address: 1101 Beach Street, Flint, MI 48502-1475
Phone: (810) 257-3054
Fax: (810) 257-3885
Tax Info: (877) 805-2856
To assist the Genesee County Treasurer with efforts to return foreclosed property to the tax rolls and further develop property within Genesee County, check out the Genesee County Land Bank.
SUMMER and WINTER property taxes are due February 28, 2025, this is a Friday but our office will be open for tax business only from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The Montrose Township Office closes at 5:00pm but payments may be placed into the DROP BOX. All payments collected from the DROP BOX before office opens at 8:00am on March 3rd will be processed under the date of Feb. 28, thus not marked late. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you need a receipt.
Montrose Township DOES NOT accept post marks on checks that come in the mail.
No property tax payments will be accepted March 3rd or thereafter.
All delinquent property tax files will be sent to the Genesee County Treasurer’s Office for collection on March 3rd.
*Note for businesses who pay personal property tax – delinquent personal property may be paid at the Montrose Township Office at any time, however, interest is added monthly. Contact the Treasurer for payoff amount or to create a payment
Utility Bills – This includes water, sewer, water tapin and sewer tapin. Payable until the 15th of the month after which bill becomes PAST DUE and a penalty is applied.
Pay Utilities Online
You need your exact billing name and the last 6 digits of the account number. Montrose Township does not retain any credit card information. The 3% processing fee does not come to Montrose Township. Online pay for utilities will be turned off during the following Billing Cut-off dates so bills for the following month may be created. However, in person payments are still accepted during this time but will not be posted to your account.
Tax Bills – This includes Real Property and Personal Property. Current and Delinquent Personal Property Tax can be paid in the Township Office any time. Real Property taxes can be accepted by the Township Office during payable without interest period then they become payable only at the Genesee County office and penalties/interest are applied.
Personal Property Tax
Personal Property Tax can be paid at any time in the Township Office. Small business exempt forms must be in by February 10 and submitted EVERY YEAR. Payment plans are available for Delinquent Accounts. For the most up to date information from the State of MI and links to forms visit Personal Property Tax General Information
Pay Bills in Person
Stop in the Township Office, we accept cash or check. Credit card can be used but has a fee ($2 minimum or 3% of the bill) applied. A drop box is located outside the township office. Please include your water or tax account number. The drop box is emptied every morning and processed, Monday – Thursday. Items placed in drop box over a weekend are processed Monday morning.
Pay by U.S. Mail
Make checks payable to “Montrose Township Treasurer” and mail to:
Montrose Township Treasurer
11444 N. Seymour Road
Montrose, MI 48457
For Tax Payments: Include the small portion of the tax bill with your payment. If you would like to a receipt mailed to you, please enclose a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
For Water Payments: Include small portion of the utility bill with your payment.
Pay Online
Make online payments with credit card, debit card or electronic check. Like credit card transactions in the office, all online transactions will be charged a small fee by the payment platforms.
TAXES and BUILDING PERMITS: access your account via BS&A and make payments CLICK HERE
WATER & SEWER: access your account via CUSI, the same utility billing & management system Genesee County uses. Make a payment CLICK HERE
About Montrose
Accident Reports
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Schedule 2025
Township Information
Assessing Information
Pay Taxes Online
Pay Building Permits Online
Utility Payments Online
Policy & Procedure Manual
Recycle Guidelines w/Pictures
Mosquito Abatement Program
Senior Center Newsletters
Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission Recycle Information
Senior Center 2024 Budget
FOIA Request (Freedom Of Information Act)
Police Vacation Check Form